Tips For Incoming Boarding School Students

In retrospect, this is what I know about boarding school, it can be an exciting and transformative experience, offering students a unique opportunity to grow academically, socially, and personally. However, the prospect of leaving home and living in a new environment can also be a bit challenging. This is why I decided to write this article “Tips for incoming boarding school students” to help ease the transition for any child hoping to become a boarding school student any day or for parents to educate their children on how to navigate through boarding school. I have categorized this article under different areas of interest.

Adjusting to a New Routine

Adapting to a new daily routine is one of the most difficult transitions for any fresh boarding house student. it happens to almost every new student; your waking up time will definitely change, and your eating pattern will change. A boarding school’s regulated routine can be both demanding and rewarding. If you stick to the points I have outlined below, you can properly handle this transition:

1. Time Management

In a boarding school, time management is very important. So, I will advise you to begin by becoming acquainted with the daily schedule, which includes waking times, class times, study periods, and extracurricular events. Make a weekly planner to assist you in staying organized and prioritizing your chores. Effective time management will not only keep you on track academically but will also offer you some valuable spare time. Time management plays a vital role in improving boarding student’s academic performance and achievements. 

2. Self-Care

It is important to strike a good balance between the demands of school and your personal well-being. Make time for exercise and relaxation, as well as ample sleep and nutritious meals. This is why I will recommend Olive Grove College if you are confused about which boarding school your kids should attend. Educating the students about self-care and personal development is key for them. Self-care will keep you focused and energized during your boarding school experience.

3. Stay Organized

There’s something you need to do when you are a boarding school student that will help you keep up to speed. You must keep your living and study areas orderly; this will help you maintain a stress-free atmosphere. To keep your belongings clean and easily accessible, consider buying storage devices such as shelves, bags, and containers. A well-organized environment can boost your productivity and make you feel more at ease.


Managing Homesickness

Smiling; this in particular makes me laugh because it is a very common thing you will find among freshers of boarding school. Homesickness is a typical issue for many boarding school students, but there are ways to overcome this emotional barrier:

4. Stay Connected

Although most boarding schools in Nigeria have restrictions on phones; keeping in touch with your family and friends back home on an occasional basis with phone conversations, video chats, and emails will help you in managing Homesickness. Any time you have the opportunity to call home, always share your school experiences( difficult times, lovely moments, first day in the classroom). Your family and friends back home are your support network, so staying in touch will help you feel less lonely.

5. Embrace New Relationships

Building close relationships with classmates and teachers can help fill the emptiness created by being away from home. Participate in social activities, attend school events, and be open to meeting new people. The relationships you build with other students might provide you with a sense of belonging and support.

Tips for Incoming Boarding School Students
Building Relationships with Students

Building Relationships with Student and Teachers

Establishing lasting relationships within the boarding school community is essential to having an enjoyable experience:

6. Be Approachable

This is one secret I must tell you, making friends in a new environment requires approachability. You will have to build on these gestures ( make eye contact, smile, and strike up a discussion with your classmates) in order to make yourself approachable. Being open and friendly will attract like-minded people and create a great environment. Boarding school staff members are there to support and guide you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers, dorm parents, counselors, or other staff members when you have questions or concerns. Building relationships with staff can provide you with valuable mentors and advocates during your time at the school.

7. Attend Social Events

Participate in social events and extracurricular activities offered by the school. Join sports teams, or interest groups that align with your passions and hobbies. These activities provide excellent opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and form lasting friendships.

8. Cultural and Diversity Exposure

One you must know is that boarding schools often attract students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Embrace this diversity by learning from your classmate’s experiences and perspectives. Engage in cultural exchange events and broaden your horizons by experiencing new customs and traditions.

9. Academic Excellence

Take advantage of the rigorous academic programs and resources available at boarding schools. Ensure you always seek help from teachers or your instructors if you’re struggling with your coursework, and engage in discussions to deepen your understanding of the material. Your dedication to academic excellence will serve you well in the future.

10. Leadership and Character Development

Many boarding schools emphasize leadership development and character education. I can attest to Olive Grove College; you will definitely. These experiences will not only enhance your personal growth but also look impressive on college applications.

11. Pursue Your Passions

Boarding schools provide an array of extracurricular activities, from arts and athletics to clubs and volunteer work. Discover and nurture your passions by exploring these opportunities. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, excelling in a sport, or delving into a new hobby, these activities can be immensely fulfilling.


Sincerely, boarding school can be a life-changing experience filled with growth, learning, and new adventures. By following these tips for adjusting to your new routine, managing homesickness, building relationships, and seizing unique opportunities, you can make the most of your boarding school journey. Embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way, and remember that this chapter of your life has the potential to shape a brighter future.


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