Message From School Director to Parents


Dear Parents, this is a message from the school director. on behalf of the staff, and students at Olive Grove College; I am very pleased to welcome you to Olive Grove College’s official school website. We are looking forward to working with you in ensuring our students reach their full potential in life. Basically, children require help from home in order to succeed in school. We are confident that a solid working relationship with you will make a major difference in your child’s education. Be that as it may, the responsibility for our children’s success begins with your support from home. We want you to know that we will do everything we can to fulfill our own responsibilities. Olive Grove College is passionate and committed to seeing your child (our students) be the best in the following aspects academics, morals, Godly fear, technology, etc.

School Location

We’re a full boarding school located at Ugwuomu Nike in Enugu State. It’s a facility with a serene environment suitable for teaching and learning activities. Firstly, I will like you to know that our students are not only theoretically bound to classroom teachings but are balanced with practical lessons on the following subjects computer science, music, creative art, and international languages.

At Olive Grove College we are very proud of the education we offer our children. We believe that our school is a happy place, where children feel motivated and enthusiastic about learning. As a result, we work hard to provide all children with a broad and balanced, high-quality education so that every child can achieve their potential in every aspect of school life.

We are committed to offering a Valued Education which is based on Christian values and beliefs this, in conjunction with the expectation of high standards, equips our children with firm foundations and prepares them for their adult lives.

The support of parents and Guardian and our relationship with them is much valued and we embrace any help offered in school, either on a regular or occasional basis.

What makes us different

The school has 24/7 internet service for staff and students alike. This enables students to do research, and assignments and submit the same online.

Our students know how to:

  • network computers,
  • connect wifi to computers and other packages. They also know how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, paint, and other packages.

Undoubtedly, we have well-trained music tutors who don’t only teach the rudiments of music, but also the practical aspect such as voice training, drum playing, and keyboard training just to mention a few. For this purpose, termly musical concerts for our students and a talent hunt to bring out their best.

We inculcate in them Godly fear, honesty, patriotism, etc. I must say emphatically that Olive Grove College is indeed the school for the child you love.

A well-serene environment

We know that learning is not effective when the environment is not conducive and where basic social amenities like water, electricity, and security are inadequate. This is not the case with us, our school is located in a serene environment that is conducive for learning and other extracurricular activities. We have a 24/7 solar power supply that supplies power to all classrooms and hotels daily. We also have standby generators as an alternative.

Godly fear

The Bible admonishes us accordingly to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). Is no longer news that we’re living in a world where all kinds of unthinkable things happen. Children, teenagers, youths, and even the married are faced with the battles of the mind. The high rate of evil being perpetrated is alarming. Both the print and social media have done more harm than good.

As a matter of fact; most parents have forgotten their roles in bringing up their children in the way of the Lord because their businesses or jobs have taken over their family time. No more morning devotions, prayers, bible study, etc. All these virtues are what we practically instill in our students daily. They are brought up in the fear of the Lord, which makes them shine in the midst of this dark world. Over time, we have seen disobedient and rude students change with the help of the Holy Spirit and transformed to be world changers themselves.

The spiritual emphasis at Olive Grove College is second to none. Our staff members are passionate about instilling moral values as well as spiritual virtues.


As the saying goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. We have recreational activities like football, table tennis, field, and track Excursion

event just to mention a few.

Furthermore, we know that 70% of learning is outside the classroom, hence we’ve it as a policy to take our students out for excursions to beautiful and luxurious places that will enhance their learning. Sometimes, we could go outside Enugu State for an excursion.


Imparting knowledge to our students is particularly our goal. We have zero tolerance for laziness, poor reading habit, examination malpractice, etc. We have a mandate from God to raise godly leaders who would be skillful in all wisdom and apt in learning knowledge to serve in any capacity for the good of society.

Please click and follow us on our social media handles for more information; Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Recommended, Read  5 Reasons Why Boarding School is Better than Day School

What are you waiting for…. Come join us today at Olive Grove College Ugwuomu, and your child’s life will never remain the same. Contact Us now on WhatsApp chat here

Olive Grove College ~ Nurturing Hearts , Shaping Minds!

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