Reasons Why Boarding School is Better than Day School

This post will simplify the reasons why boarding school is better than day school. Boarding schools and day schools are two sorts of educational institutions that provide students with unique experiences. While day school students can go home every day, boarding school students must live on campus for the whole academic year.

As parents evaluate various private school options for their children, boarding or day school options often come up as questions for consideration. Although both may provide various advantages over one another, boarding schools tend to have more advantages due to offering numerous advantages not present with day schools. One advantage is that boarding students often develop exceptional time management and independence skills that day school students often struggle with.

Here are the 5 Reasons Why Boarding School is Better than Day School

1. Academic Environment

Boarding schools typically feature well-appointed campuses that resemble university environments, offering lots of activities that are not obtainable in day schools for their students. With this purpose in mind, take Olive Grove College, for example, which offers the following activities twice every week; Practical classes on Home Economics, Arts and craft, sewing, ICT practical sessions on Microsoft Word, Excel, baking and catering,  music practical classes on keyboards and drums, life skill sessions, Health awareness talks, drug abuse seminars, board game session, 90 minutes football time.

Furthermore, boarding schools typically feature smaller class sizes which enable teachers and students to form close mentorship relationships and help the latter remain focused and achieve academic excellence. Children attending boarding schools tend to lead more disciplined lives than those at day schools since their schedule includes academic classes, extracurricular activities, study time, and dorm meetings. This helps them set goals, manage time efficiently and gain responsibility that will serve them in their future lives.

Children attending boarding schools face numerous challenges that make them stronger as individuals, such as being away from home. Overcoming such difficulties helps boarding schoolers overcome many hurdles in life and ultimately go on to become leaders or entrepreneurs themselves in later years.

2. Personal Development

Boarding schools offer numerous personal development opportunities for their students, from social service programs and unique on-campus learning experiences to small class sizes that enable teachers to get to know each student and focus on them as individuals. Boarding schools encourage the development of leadership and teamwork skills while building integrity, self-discipline, and responsibility; furthermore, they offer an appropriate balance of academics and extracurriculars which in turn prepares the students for both academic and social life in the university.

Boarders live a highly regimented lifestyle and are taught discipline and punctuality from an early age. This means they are required to study according to an agreed-upon schedule both before and after school as well as sleep on time. Without distraction from family members at home, boarders can focus on their work without any interruption from family. On the contrary, day school students typically have looser schedules that make it more likely for them to miss classes or lessons altogether.

Boarding schools also provide a secure environment in which students can explore their interests and passions safely. With clubs, sports teams, and extracurricular activities like team-building exercises to learn new things and find what makes them excel, boarding schools allow their students to build confidence while being equipped for lifelong success.

As boarding schools attract students from various cultures, their pupils can interact with those from all around the globe and experience new things such as arts or extracurricular activities which might not otherwise be available at their local schools – broadening knowledge while expanding open-mindedness – an invaluable trait that will serve them in future careers and life beyond. I believe you are getting some understandable reasons why boarding school is better than day school

Admission into JS1 JS2 and SS1 is open at Olive Grove College

if you are considering a boarding school for your child, please come join us at Olive Grove College, with a mandate to raise godly leaders. Contact Us now on WhatsApp chat here

Boarding School
Olive Grove College_ Boarding school students on computer practical session
3. Extracurricular Activities

Boarding schools tend to offer access to more facilities than day schools and are known for going the extra mile when it comes to extracurricular activities for their students. From interscholastic sports teams that require daily practice to STEM project clubs and art workshops, boarding schools provide their pupils with plenty of choices that help them discover their interests and passions – something which is key for growth and development as well as standing out when applying to universities.

As boarding school teachers live on-site, they are available to students before and after classes to assist with homework or clarify difficult concepts – something particularly helpful for struggling academics. Significantly, many private boarding schools hire teachers with advanced degrees who are passionate about what they teach as well as experienced in working with children from various cultures and backgrounds.

Children attending boarding schools will have less time for television watching and other distractions, which allows them to devote more time and energy toward studying. They will find their grades improving without being interrupted by tasks like homework and house chores. it is important to realize also that teachers at these institutions set strict study schedules that do not permit any students from leaving class without permission; this helps children learn self-discipline as well as adaptability in situations.

Though boarding schools may not be ideal for all children, they are an invaluable option for those wanting to advance in life. Boarding schools provide children with invaluable work ethic training and time management techniques – essential skills necessary for college success and beyond.

4. Spiritual Growth

Boarding schools give students the chance to develop their spirituality. Students learn prayer and appreciate family life while living within a larger community. Identically, boarding schools teach children how to work effectively with diverse people from diverse cultures – invaluable life skills that they’ll use in later years.

Boarders also benefit from spending more time studying than day school students. Boarding schools typically provide study halls during schooldays and tutoring sessions each weeknight; these opportunities give boarders more time to focus on their studies and improve their grades. Comparatively, being away from parents means being on time for all activities requiring punctuality – something day schoolers don’t necessarily have to remember themselves!

Teachers at boarding schools tend to be highly-qualified experts in their subject area; many possess advanced degrees. Furthermore, teachers at these institutions tend to enjoy teaching students and watching them develop professionally in their fields; additionally, small class sizes enable teachers to engage with and teach each pupil individually within the classroom setting.

Though boarding students live away from their families, they become more independent and responsible as they develop important life skills that might otherwise take until university to learn.

Parents must also be mindful of any disadvantages to boarding schools that might exist, however. You can say the cost is usually higher compared to the day school options and some students can suffer homesickness when attending one; however, studies have demonstrated that its positive benefits outweigh its negative side-effects, making the investment worthwhile.

5. Sense of Community

At boarding schools, students live, learn and play together – this fosters a sense of community between peers while motivating them to excel academically. Additionally, faculty-student ratios tend to be lower at these institutions, making teachers more accessible than they would be at regular day schools. Boarding schools foster punctuality and discipline among their students. Each day begins with meditation, exercise, lectures, and study sessions before finishing off the day before nap time.

By eliminating distractions from home life such as home computer users or mobile phones from interrupting their studies and homework timetable, boarding schools help their students focus more fully on homework and studies which leads to improved grades and greater educational success rates.

Boarding schools offer the students the opportunity of spending so much of their lives together allowing for strong bonds of friendship to form that will last beyond graduation. Day schools tend to offer less familial atmospheres which could cause parents to over-involve themselves in their child’s lives; potentially leading to clashes between parent and child as well as an eventual breakdown in the bond between parent and child.


Having discussed the reasons why boarding school is better than day school; as a working parent, we know it can be challenging to juggle the demands of work with caring for your children. Nevertheless, by choosing a boarding school instead, you can rest easy knowing your children will be in safe hands with qualified professionals who offer programs designed to prepare your kids for university admissions and career success. For more information about boarding schools, you can trust to contact us today; we will gladly address any inquiries about its advantages.

Admission into JS1 JS2 and SS1 is open at Olive Grove College

if you are considering a boarding school for your child, please come join us at Olive Grove College, with a mandate to raise godly leaders. Contact Us now on WhatsApp chat here


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